Annie & Travis - Doe Creek Farm - Blacksburg, Virginia

Annie & Travis - Doe Creek Farm - Blacksburg, Virginia

“A homegrown, coffee-infused love story.” EAT, DRINK AND BE WILLIAM’S.

That is the title of the movie featuring Annie & Travis’s story. Annie & Travis’s wedding day was unique for sure! They included so many cool ideas, I don’t even know where to start from!

Ilaria & Andrea - Destination Wedding - Florence - Italy

Ilaria & Andrea - Destination Wedding - Florence - Italy

Cio’ che e’ destinato a te, trovera’ il modo di raggiungerti…” “What is destined to you, will find it’s way to you…”

Ilaria & Andrea met in 1991. They were part of the same group of friends. They were friends for 25 years without ever dating. Then they lost track of each other. One night, on Aug 2nd 2016,  they were at a friend’s dinner and something just clicked! January 2017, she come home from work one night and he just hugged her and without even thinking he asked “ Te, mi vuoi sposare?”

Kelly & Zach - Doe Creek Farm - Pembroke, VA

Kelly & Zach - Doe Creek Farm - Pembroke, VA

Kelly & Zach are such a wonderful couple. They met all the way back in high school. To make the story even better they met in a chemistry class! They shared mutual friends and eventually started dating at the end of their senior year.

The last night before Kelly moved back to North Carolina for grad school, Zach took her to their favorite spot in Blacksburg to watch the sunset. Zach was staying in Blacksburg to finish his graduate program so they knew that they would be living apart for at least six months. They sat and watched the sunset but when it was time to leave, Zach got on one knee and proposed. How romantic is that?

Katie & Scott - Taubman Museum of Art - Roanoke, VA

Katie & Scott - Taubman Museum of Art - Roanoke, VA

Where do I even begin with how awesome this wedding was?

Katie & Scott's story is so sweet. They first met through a mutual friend and Katie's matron of honor, Brooke. Scott and Brooke were coworkers and she had been telling Scott about Katie for a while. The night of Brooke's bachelorette party, the girls were out dancing when Scott showed up with a friend and the two were introduced. Katie had no idea that Scott even existed until then. It didn't take too long before these two became inseparable.